
Ammonium bicarbonate Learn more about Ammonium bicarbonate

  • How to choose and buy agricultural ammonium bicarbonate?

    How to choose and buy agricultural ammonium bicarbonate?

    How to choose and buy agricultural ammonium bicarbonate? What do you need to pay attention to when buying agricultural ammonium bicarbonate? How to distinguish the authenticity of ammonium bicarbonate? Please introduce the method of agricultural ammonium bicarbonate is sulfate-free nitrogen fertilizer, it releases both carbon dioxide and ammonium nitrogen, its elements are crop nutrients, in line with crop absorption mechanism.

  • What should I pay attention to when using ammonium bicarbonate?

    What should I pay attention to when using ammonium bicarbonate?

    How to use ammonium bicarbonate? What do you need to pay attention to when using ammonium bicarbonate? Is there a friend who knows me or not? 1. Ammonium bicarbonate can not be foliar sprayed: ammonium bicarbonate has strong corrosiveness to crop leaves and is easy to burn leaves, so it can not be used as fertilizer for crop foliar spraying. 2. Ammonium bicarbonate can not.

  • What are the use methods of ammonium bicarbonate to control diseases and insect pests? What are the points for attention?

    What are the use methods of ammonium bicarbonate to control diseases and insect pests? What are the points for attention?

    Ammonium bicarbonate is a kind of available nitrogen fertilizer that can not only quickly provide nutrients for crop growth, but also better control the occurrence of crop diseases. Many farmers will use ammonium bicarbonate to control pests. What are the use methods of ammonium bicarbonate to control diseases and insect pests? Matters needing attention

    2020-11-08 Ammonium bicarbonate control diseases and insect pests methods of use what are
  • Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method

    Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method

    Ammonium bicarbonate generally refers to ammonium bicarbonate, is a white compound, granular, plate or columnar crystal, ammonia odor. Some friends may wonder what the ammonium bicarbonate weeding method is. The following editor will answer for you. Ammonium bicarbonate is a common method of weeding.

    2020-11-09 Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method ammonium bicarbonate generally is
  • What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers?

    What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers?

    What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers? What are the properties? Please also know the netizens to help introduce that ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is an elemental nitrogen fertilizer in the form of ammonium salt, and the more common ones are ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride. The farming network has sorted out the properties of the above three kinds of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, which are listed in detail below.

  • How does agricultural ammonium bicarbonate improve fertilizer efficiency?

    How does agricultural ammonium bicarbonate improve fertilizer efficiency?

    How does agricultural ammonium bicarbonate improve fertilizer efficiency? Please guide agricultural ammonium bicarbonate soluble in water, its nitrogen content is low (17%), easy to decompose and volatilize at room temperature. Scientific application of ammonium bicarbonate can effectively improve its fertilizer efficiency, and the correct application of ammonium bicarbonate is very beneficial to crop growth. Although ammonium bicarbonate is easy to decompose and produce.

  • What should agricultural ammonium bicarbonate pay attention to when it is used?

    What should agricultural ammonium bicarbonate pay attention to when it is used?

    What should be paid attention to when agricultural ammonium bicarbonate is used? Please introduce the application of agricultural ammonium bicarbonate should pay attention to the following points: 1, ammonium bicarbonate can not be mixed with alkaline fertilizer to prevent nitrogen volatilization, resulting in nitrogen loss. 2. Avoid foliar spraying. Ammonium bicarbonate is highly corrosive to crop leaves.

  • What methods can not be used in the application of agricultural ammonium bicarbonate?

    What methods can not be used in the application of agricultural ammonium bicarbonate?

    What methods can not be used in the application of agricultural ammonium bicarbonate? Please guide the application of ammonium bicarbonate can not use the following methods: 1. Foliar spraying: ammonium bicarbonate has strong corrosiveness to crop leaves and is easy to burn leaves, so it can not be used as fertilizer sprayed on crop leaves. 2 、...

  • How to use ammonium bicarbonate to prevent insects and diseases?

    How to use ammonium bicarbonate to prevent insects and diseases?

    What are the medicinal effects of ammonium bicarbonate? Which pests can potassium bicarbonate control? How to use ammonium bicarbonate to prevent diseases and insects? Also ask experienced netizens to make a brief introduction. Ammonium bicarbonate, known as gas fertilizer, can not only provide nourishment for crop growth as a kind of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, but also.

  • The difference between ammonium bicarbonate and urea

    The difference between ammonium bicarbonate and urea

    The difference between ammonium bicarbonate and urea

  • Why is the effect of ammonium bicarbonate good in spring?

    Why is the effect of ammonium bicarbonate good in spring?

    What are the characteristics of ammonium bicarbonate? What is the effect of applying ammonium bicarbonate? Why does it work well in spring? Also ask experienced netizens to make a brief introduction. 1, fertilizer effect is fast: compared with urea, urea can not be directly absorbed by crops after being applied to the soil.

  • Why is the fertilizer effect of ammonium bicarbonate better than urea in winter and spring?

    Why is the fertilizer effect of ammonium bicarbonate better than urea in winter and spring?

    Why is urea fertilizer ineffective in winter and spring? Why use ammonium bicarbonate instead of urea in winter and spring? Please understand the netizens to introduce. Urea is a kind of high concentration nitrogen fertilizer, which belongs to neutral quick-acting fertilizer, and can also be used to produce a variety of compound fertilizers. Urea is the most common and the largest variety of nitrogen fertilizer.

  • Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

    Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

    Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

  • Technical points of High efficiency fertilization for Common Chemical Fertilizer

    Technical points of High efficiency fertilization for Common Chemical Fertilizer

    Technical points of High efficiency fertilization for Common Chemical Fertilizer

  • How to apply the commonly used chemical fertilizer with good results?

    How to apply the commonly used chemical fertilizer with good results?

    How to apply the commonly used chemical fertilizer with good results? Please introduce the following application methods of three commonly used chemical fertilizers: 1. Urea is a kind of high concentration acylamine nitrogen fertilizer. At present, it has the highest nitrogen content in solid nitrogen fertilizer in China and belongs to neutral available fertilizer.

  • What kinds of nitrogen fertilizers are there?

    What kinds of nitrogen fertilizers are there?

    What kinds of nitrogen fertilizers are there? What are the characteristics? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce the types of nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, urea, ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate. The characteristics of the farming network are listed below for netizens' reference. 1. The characteristics of ammonium bicarbonate: the nitrogen content of ammonium bicarbonate is about 17%.

  • What are the common nitrogen fertilizers?

    What are the common nitrogen fertilizers?

    What are the common nitrogen fertilizers? What should I pay attention to when using it? Hope that netizens can help introduce common nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea. The farming network has sorted out the product introduction and matters needing attention of the above nitrogen fertilizer, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Ammonium bicarbonate.

  • Ten taboos in the application of chemical fertilizer

    Ten taboos in the application of chemical fertilizer

    Fertilizer is the "grain" of vegetables, 13 kinds of nutrients except carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are supplied by soil, and the application of base fertilizer is an important measure to replenish soil nutrition. At present, the types of fertilizers used in vegetables are generally divided into organic fertilizer (farm fertilizer), inorganic fertilizer (chemical fertilizer) and microbial fertilizer (biological bacterial fertilizer).

  • When will winter wheat be topdressing

    When will winter wheat be topdressing

    Winter wheat should be fertilized at seedling stage, overwintering stage, returning to green stage, jointing stage, booting stage and after heading. Farm manure was applied at seedling stage, ammonium bicarbonate or urea from overwintering to booting stage, and urea after heading. If the base fertilizer and seed fertilizer are sufficient, there is no need to topdressing at the seedling stage.

    2020-11-09 Winter wheat when topdressing winter wheat in the seedling stage
  • What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables

    What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables

    What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables
